Legislative Oversight presentation 

It’s hard to believe it is mid-September, which means we are just over six weeks out from the next Open Enrollment Period. As our staff are ramping up and preparing, I have continued to spend time speaking with stakeholders, community partners and enrollment brokers and assisters around the state. Thursday and Friday this week, I am in Colorado Springs to meet with Brokers and community-based Assisters.

Last week, I was delighted for the opportunity to share more about our work this past year as well as how we’re preparing for the coming Open Enrollment with our Legislative Oversight Committee. I talked about some recent and upcoming policy changes that will help our customers, such as the family glitch fix, the enhanced health care discounts, a pregnancy special enrollment period and a new policy change about keeping 26-year-olds on parents’ plans longer. I appreciate the engagement of our policymakers as they shared thoughts about our work.

CoverCo Networking

This week, we were thrilled to host our first ever CoverCO networking happy hour in Denver. It provided our staff with an opportunity for many productive conversations with our enrollment community, where we shared ideas for the upcoming Open Enrollment Period. Thanks to all of you who attended. We have two more in person CoverCO networking events coming up in Pueblo and Grand Junction, and then the virtual conference is Oct. 3-5.

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado