Connecting you to free or low-cost health insurance when you file your Colorado state taxes 

Check a box when you file your state taxes if you would like us — Colorado’s official health insurance marketplace — to see if you may qualify for free or low-cost health coverage. If you file your taxes by the tax filing deadline, this selection launches a process that will help you enroll during a Special Enrollment Period.

Yellow flag with How It Works heading

Icon Number 1Check the box or ask your tax preparer

When you do your state taxes, a section of the form (form DR 0104) will allow you to say that you or a family member does not have health insurance and would like to find out if you can get free or low-cost health coverage. By checking the box on the tax form, you are giving permission to share information with us, here at Connect for Health Colorado. (There is no risk to checking this box. See more details in the FAQs below.)

Screenshot of tax form check box in English

Icon Number 2File your taxes by the tax filing deadline

If you check the box, we will help you find out if you could get free or low-cost health coverage.

Icon Number 3Receive an email or letter

Shortly after you file your taxes, we will send you an email or mail you a letter with information about using your Tax Time Enrollment Period.

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Frequently Asked Questions

No. We will only help you to see if you can get free or low-cost health insurance. Once you know your options, you can decide if you want to enroll in health insurance or not.

To enroll in health coverage through the Tax Time Enrollment, an individual must:


  • Be uninsured
  • Be eligible for coverage and financial help through Connect for Health Colorado or coverage through Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program)
  • Have filed taxes by the tax filing deadline, regardless of filing extensions

Undocumented individuals do not meet the requirements to qualify for Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) or health plans through Connect for Health Colorado. However, Coloradans who are undocumented can enroll in health insurance through the OmniSalud program during Open Enrollment (Nov. 1 – Jan. 15) or anytime you experience a Qualifying Life Event.

Be sure to check the box on your tax form
and file by the tax filing deadline.

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