Technical Updates to Our System Complete

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

It is getting to be that time of year when the Connect for Health Colorado staff are diving in to preparations for this coming Open Enrollment. Lots more to come on that shortly.

We recently completed a long running technology project referred to as our “legacy replacement project.”  This project replaced legacy code from the early days of our Marketplace with new, custom Connect for Health Colorado intellectual property. 

This effort spanned more than four years and provides several key benefits to us including:

  • A more flexible and scalable technology platform which allows us to react to change
  • An application that is more customer- friendly and offers more opportunities for self-service through our updated, customer-centric design
  • Consolidated data management and system integrations allowing for better data integrity and issuer communication.

While we continue to stabilize our new system, I am proud of the results we have achieved as a culmination of this multi-year effort and am excited to explore the new flexibility we will have to improve our platform.

In the News

On Tuesday, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. I made a statement  thanking our lawmakers and President Biden for passing this important bill and expressing my gratitude for the additional savings it allows our customers for the next few years. The Telluride Daily Planet shared a good story about how the Inflation Reduction Act will help customers.

Take care, 

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Enrollment Numbers Strong So Far

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

We reported this week that we are seeing strong enrollment numbers with just under two weeks left before the Dec. 15 deadline. In fact, 50,522 Coloradans have secured health coverage for 2022. While many of our current customers have been automatically renewed in their plan, they still have until Dec. 15 to make any changes.

I am pleased with the steady growth over last year at this time, but we still have time to get people enrolled so they are covered on January 1. To that end, we have a big push next Wednesday December 8th for “Get Covered Colorado Day.” Check out our social media channels and share our posts to help us spread the word. Tune into our Facebook page around 2:30 p.m. next Wednesday on Get Covered Colorado Day to hear our Lieutenant Governor, Dianne Primavera, discuss the importance of health coverage with some of our assisters during a Facebook Live discussion.    

You can help us spread the word about the upcoming Dec. 15 deadline using our online toolkit of materials.

In the News

The Gazette shared our enrollment numbers thus far.

Take care, 

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Just a Few Days Left For 2021 Coverage

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

We announced this week that more than 212,000 Coloradans have signed up for health insurance so far in 2021. There are just three days left to enroll for the rest of the year. Our doors will open again on Nov. 1 for 2022 coverage.

We’ve spread the word using our marketing and advertising channels about additional savings that are available. We’ve also been out in the community at events throughout the summer. I recently had an opportunity to speak with the Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce in a Facebook Live event. And last weekend, we hosted an enrollment event and resource fair to support current and prospective small business owners. Brokers and enrollment partners from Servicios de la Raza and Benefits in Action talked with attendees about health insurance options, while our community partners provided Covid-19 vaccines, guidance on microloans and other services for the business community.

With just a few days left, I urge you to share with anyone uninsured to get in touch with us. As a reminder, we have a big network of enrollment partners around the state who can walk people through the process.

In the News

The Denver Post reminded Coloradans about the Aug. 15 deadline.

Take care, 

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Preliminary Rate Information for 2022 Plan Year

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

This week, Governor Polis and the Division of Insurance announced preliminary rates for our customers for plan year 2022. I shared that I am pleased to see the stability in prices, as affordable premiums translate to more people enrolling and staying enrolled. This is good news in a year when so many people have been affected by the pandemic. There’s more to come on the upcoming Open Enrollment Period.

In the meantime, we still have a few weeks left to get Coloradans enrolled for the rest of 2021. We will close our doors for the current extended enrollment period on Aug. 15 for 2021 health plans, as we shift toward final preparations for our upcoming Open Enrollment Period.

So to get the word out, we have been working hard to remind people of the deadline through outreach, sponsoring events around the state, such as family day at the Pueblo County Fair today, and you might even spot an ad if you stream the Olympics!

With the extra financial help available now, thank you for helping us remind anyone without insurance to enroll before Aug. 15.

In the News

The Colorado Sun wrote about the reinsurance program and the rates for the 2022 plan year. 

Take care, 

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Our Doors Are Open

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

Spring is officially upon us. And it’s quite a busy time.

With the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 officially in place, we are working with the state Division of Insurance and our staff to get ready to implement all of the changes the Plan lays out.

We will be ready in the coming months to roll out the Advanced Premium Tax Credit changes, making premiums even more affordable. As we approach the relaunch of our system, we will continue to share more information about how both current customers and new customers can apply for the additional financial help.  

We are also following the federal marketplace and keeping our doors open until at least Aug. 15, 2021 to help as many people as possible enroll and protect their health and finances during this time. Read more in a statement I made this week.  

Thank you for continuing to remind those who are uninsured that they can enroll now.

In the News

The Denver Post shared a high-level recap of the financial help changes as a result of the American Rescue Plan.

Be well, 

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado