CoverCO Conference

On this last day of September, we are counting down the days until our Open Enrollment Period begins. We will be able to share more about plan offerings in the coming weeks.

To help us all prepare, join us in just over a week for this year’s CoverCO conference, which will convene Oct. 11-13. This is an opportunity to reconnect, prepare for Open Enrollment, and discuss health policy changes. It will once again be hosted online.

This year’s agenda includes sessions about the new Colorado Option plans, the new OmniSalud Program, Colorado Connect, and many more sessions, so we are all prepared for this Open Enrollment Period. We will also have two keynote sessions – one about health equity and one about conflict resolution. Register here by Friday, Oct. 7.

Thank you to our planning committee and partners for making this conference informative and useful. I’ll see you online soon!

Take care,
Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado