We’ve Extended the COVID Special Enrollment Period to April 30

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

As we all watch the news and hear about more and more layoffs and the realities of how this COVID-19 pandemic is affecting Coloradans, we announced yesterday that we have extended our COVID Special Enrollment Period to April 30. I heard from many of you that were worried about your neighbors and constituents, and like us, wanted to ensure that Coloradans could have some peace of mind with time to get covered.

This COVID Special Enrollment period is for Coloradans who are currently uninsured or about to lose coverage due to COVID-19. We’ve had more than 5,500 people enroll already, but we know there are more people out there who need coverage.

Please share this information with your network and community: Coloradans who want to sign up for coverage through Connect for Health Colorado can complete an application online and select a health insurance plan through our website at ConnectforHealthCO.com. Our certified brokers, assisters and enrollment centers are all taking phone appointments and our Customer Service Center is available to answer calls. To get help enrolling, point people to our get help page.  

Life Change Events, such as losing job coverage

As always, Coloradans can sign up for a plan any time of the year if they experience other qualifying life change events, including loss of job-based coverage.

Thank you for your help getting the word out and helping keep Colorado covered.

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Help Us Get the Word Out About the COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

I hope you are all are staying well and staying home! I’m writing a little earlier in the week than usual because I am asking for your help.

As I announced last Friday, we opened up a Special Enrollment period for Coloradans who are currently uninsured or about to lose coverage due to COVID-19. That coverage will start April 1, but Coloradans must enroll by next Friday, April 3 to receive coverage under this COVD-19 rule. Visit our website to learn more.

Although we are generating some interest with nearly 2,000 people enrolling in the first five days, we could use your help spreading the word about this Special Enrollment period to make sure those who aren’t covered can get that April 1 coverage. Please share this information with your network and community, since we don’t have much time left.

Please pass on to your constituents and stakeholders as soon as you can that Coloradans who want to sign up for coverage through Connect for Health Colorado can complete an application online and select a health insurance plan through our website at ConnectforHealthCO.com. Our certified brokers, assisters and enrollment centers are all taking phone appointments and we’ve added Customer Service Center weekend hours during this period. To get help enrolling, point people to our many avenues to get that help.  

Life Change Events, such as losing job coverage

As always, Coloradans can sign up for a plan any time of the year if they experience other qualifying life change events, including loss of job-based coverage. Residents who qualify for Health First Colorado (Medicaid) or the Child Health Plan Plus program can also enroll online through the PEAK application any time during the year.

Thank you for your help getting the word out and helping keep Colorado covered.

In the News

Media outlets have helped us get the word out around the state from Grand Junction to Loveland and Boulder. The Spanish radio talk show “Hablemos Hoy” also featured Connect for Health Colorado to discuss the special enrollment.

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

As every day seems to bring additional news about COVID-19, we are in uncharted territory. At Connect for Health Colorado, we are ready to do our part to help protect the health and well-being of as many Coloradans as possible, and help further our mission of providing access to health coverage.

We shared late yesterday that we have opened up a two-week Special Enrollment period for Coloradans who are currently uninsured or about to lose coverage due to COVID-19. That coverage would start April 1, 2020. But, Coloradans must enroll by April 3rd to receive coverage under this COVD-19 rule. Visit our website to learn more.

As always, Coloradans can sign up for a plan if they experience other qualifying life change events, including loss of job-based coverage. Residents who qualify for Health First Colorado (Medicaid) or the Child Health Plan Plus program can also enroll online through the PEAK application any time during the year.

On a personal level, I hope you all continue to take the Colorado Department of Health and Environment guidelines seriously. As challenging as these times are, I have helped set the example for our staff to practice social distancing in order to help slow the spread of the virus and flatten the curve. Connect for Health Colorado staff have been working remotely this week, and they will continue to do so for the upcoming weeks. The decision for us to return to the office will be based on guidance from state and local health authorities.

We will continue to keep in touch as the news unfolds, but until then, thank you for helping us spread the word about the opportunity to enroll. We want Coloradans to rest assured that they have health coverage they need.

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Support for House Bill 1349

Since I last reported out to you, our Board or Directors took a support stance on House Bill 1349, the Colorado Affordable Health Care Option bill. On Wednesday evening, our Chief Policy & Relationships Officer, Monica VanBuskirk, testified in support of the bill. We also issued a press release that shares more about our organization’s support for the bill. If enacted, the bill would offer a state option on our Marketplace.

Obviously, the other big news this week is continued severity of the COVID-19 virus. We shared our support for the Colorado Division of Insurance’s bulletin that will require that health insurance companies remove cost sharing on specific services related to COVID-19. Our customers will be able to:

  • Access telehealth services at no cost.
  • Refill an additional one-time early refill of any necessary prescriptions.
  • Access COVID-19 testing at no cost (see CDPHE guidelines for testing).

As we all prepare to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we recommend you review information from these trusted sources:

We’re encouraging customers to contact their insurance company directly for questions about plan benefits and how best to access care.

I’ve also directed our staff to start working remotely on Monday, and we will continue to assess the situation to ensure our staff remain safe and healthy.

We will share helpful information with our customers as this health care situation continues to evolve, and will communicate any potential changes in our operations in the coming days.

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Colorado Affordable Health Care Option bill

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

We are about halfway through the legislative session this year, and we are seeing a lot of activity in health policy.

House Bill 1349, the Colorado Affordable Health Care Option bill, was released yesterday. If enacted, the bill would a state option on our Marketplace. I issued a statement about the bill and our staff and board will take some time to review the language.

As a reminder, we have taken a position of support on two bills during this session. House Bill 1008, the Health Care Cost Sharing Consumer Protections Bill will cut down on confusion and reduce the risk of customers accidentally going without comprehensive health coverage. House Bill 1236, known as “Easy Enrollment,” would allow Coloradans to mark on their state tax return that they are uninsured and opt-in for their information to be shared with Connect for Health Colorado, so we can see if they qualify for financial help or Health First Colorado (Medicaid).

Connect for Health signed on to a letter with other state-based marketplaces as well submitting a comment letter of our own to the Department of Health and Human Services regarding the Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters. I believe these comments send a clear message about the importance of these issues in delivering our services to customers.

In the News

The Colorado Sun and 9News covered the HB-1349 release and explain in more detail about state option would work.

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Shifting State and Federal Landscapes

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

You likely saw the recent Supreme Court rulings on the Public Charge process and injunctions. I issued a statement immediately following the ruling, and my team developed a resource document that includes a list of immigration attorneys. We remain concerned about the confusion this new rule will cause, and we will continue to remind our customers that the financial help we provide will not count negatively against them. 

Even with all the federal happenings, we are staying laser-focused on the services and value we provide to Coloradans. We’re continuing to lend our expertise to the health policy conversations during this legislative session to ensure that new proposals effectively work toward more access, affordability and choice for Coloradans.

For example, our staff and Board of Directors have taken a position of support on House Bill 1008, the Health Care Cost Sharing Consumer Protections Bill. This bill will cut down on confusion and reduce the risk of customers accidentally going without comprehensive health coverage. We heard testimony on the bill this week and will watch the bill as it progresses.

On a personal note, I was honored to receive a Distinguished Scholar Award from my alma mater, the School of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Colorado. I thank them for the recognition and the chance to speak with several of their students.

In the News

John Ingold from the Colorado Sun reported on HB 1008 and the Durango Herald reported on our Special Enrollment Period we are offering for certain health care ministry customers.

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Rural Voices

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

While our seventh Open Enrollment period is now closed, we know our work is never really done. We will continue enrolling Coloradans with qualifying life events throughout the year.

Connect for Health Colorado staff and I visited with community leaders at the 2020 Voices of Rural Colorado this week. I was honored to speak at the reception last night about our commitment to serve rural Coloradans, and per our strategic plan, we will continue to advocate for improved rural access.

Lastly, we recently published our 2019 Annual Report, where we provide an update on our work toward our strategic goals.

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Wrapping Up Our Seventh Open Enrollment Period

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

We’ve come to the end of another successful Open Enrollment period, which closed on Wednesday night. I appreciate the support around the state — I know many of you worked tirelessly to help Coloradans enroll in their 2020 health insurance.

We reported this morning that nearly 167,000 Coloradans selected health coverage for 2020, comparable to last year’s Open Enrollment period. I am proud of our work to cover as many Coloradans as possible during this enrollment period. Read more about our preliminary numbers in the press release, and we will share more numbers with you once we’ve had the time to sort through the data.

In the News

The media helped us get the word out about the Jan. 15 deadline earlier this week from the Daily Sentinel in Grand Junction, the Summit Daily in Frisco and KOA Radio in Denver.

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Last Push for 2020 Coverage

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

I hope you had a restful holiday season. As I reflect on the past year, I am grateful for your hard work and support.

As you may know, the deadline for 2020 coverage is Wednesday, Jan. 15. Our enrollment teams have not let up on the gas one bit as we head toward the finishing line. Coloradans can get free, expert help at Walk-In & Enroll events this Saturday and next Wednesday.

Congressman Jason Crow and I recently spent some time with our enrollment team in Aurora. We were happy to hear firsthand of the hard work they’ve put into this Open Enrollment season. It was a great reminder of how vital our community partners are in serving the needs of residents.

With Congressman Jason Crow and Aurora Coverage Assistance Network Director Allison Summerton.

I was also pleased to join our lawmakers at the Capitol for Gov. Polis’ State of the State address yesterday. I appreciate his commitment to lowering the cost of healthcare, and I echo his call to increase access, affordability and choice on the individual market. We stand ready to advise and help implement the solutions that our state leaders create.

In the News

Vail Daily featured a letter from our Western Slope outreach manager. Univision Colorado also hosted us for a few segments this week, including a Facebook live, to reach Spanish-speaking residents. 

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Strong Enrollments So Far

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

As we enter the holidays, I am happy to report that we completed our first deadline for enrollments for the Plan Year 2020, seeing strong enrollments thus far. We reported this morning through a press release that more than 153,000 Coloradans made plan selections for 2020 coverage.

But as you all know, there is still time for Coloradans to enroll, with our Open Enrollment period continuing through Jan. 15. Our Customer Service Center will serve customers throughout the upcoming holiday weeks with adapted hours: Dec. 24 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.; closed on Dec. 25; Dec. 31 from 8 a.m.- 2 p.m., closed on Jan. 1. And of course, customers can be in touch with one of our many enrollment experts for help enrolling.

We know there is also concern over the recent Fifth Circuit Court decision in the Texas v. Azar case regarding the Affordable Care Act. A reminder that the law remains in place while the case moves through the process, and our Marketplace is as strong as ever. Read more of my thoughts on this case and Colorado Public Radio provided additional details on the court ruling.

In the News

We appreciated the media’s help, via local TV and online, in spreading the word about the first  deadline.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season!

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado