Support for House Bill 1349

Since I last reported out to you, our Board or Directors took a support stance on House Bill 1349, the Colorado Affordable Health Care Option bill. On Wednesday evening, our Chief Policy & Relationships Officer, Monica VanBuskirk, testified in support of the bill. We also issued a press release that shares more about our organization’s support for the bill. If enacted, the bill would offer a state option on our Marketplace.

Obviously, the other big news this week is continued severity of the COVID-19 virus. We shared our support for the Colorado Division of Insurance’s bulletin that will require that health insurance companies remove cost sharing on specific services related to COVID-19. Our customers will be able to:

  • Access telehealth services at no cost.
  • Refill an additional one-time early refill of any necessary prescriptions.
  • Access COVID-19 testing at no cost (see CDPHE guidelines for testing).

As we all prepare to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we recommend you review information from these trusted sources:

We’re encouraging customers to contact their insurance company directly for questions about plan benefits and how best to access care.

I’ve also directed our staff to start working remotely on Monday, and we will continue to assess the situation to ensure our staff remain safe and healthy.

We will share helpful information with our customers as this health care situation continues to evolve, and will communicate any potential changes in our operations in the coming days.

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado