CEO Blog: The Past May Provide Clues for 2017

As we look at what’s ahead for the new year amid a lot of uncertainty brought on by discussion of repealing, delaying and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it is worth a brief reflection on what’s gone before and what that may mean for our future.

Connect for Health Colorado’s path to expanding healthcare coverage dates back to 2006, when a Republican governor and Democratic legislature created the Blue Ribbon Commission for Health Care Reform, known as the “208 Commission.” That panel’s report later led to legislation supported by both political parties that created our organization.

Although we are one of a number of state-based health insurance marketplaces, we are the only one created as a public non-profit organization. We are governed by a board of directors appointed by elected officials and accountable to a committee of the state legislature. As such we are uniquely positioned to respond to changes in the health insurance marketplace as we continue our work toward our mission to increase access, affordability and choice.

Those principles have been a policy priority for many years. I was reminded this week by a blog by the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP). That piece referenced a report 17 years ago reviewing efforts to expand access to healthcare in the previous 25 years.

You can find in it discussion of individual and employer mandates, high-risk pools, small-group and individual market reforms and subsidized health insurance. Sound familiar?

It’s clear that healthcare reform policy initiatives have rolled out and rolled back for decades. While many of us are uncomfortable with the uncertainty in the current debate, we can take the long view and persevere in our mission.

Since our beginning, we have successfully worked within rapidly changing state and federal regulations and will continue to rely on that agility as we move forward amid changing landscapes. Each year since we started, a measure has been introduced that would dissolve our organization and we can expect it again. Rather than worry about it, I recommend focusing on the customers we serve and the increased demand we’ve seen this Open Enrollment. The demand for access, choice and affordable health insurance is what will be an important consideration for lawmakers as they develop and review future options.

Audit Report

A report by the federal Office of the Inspector General (OIG) got a lot of media attention this week. Because the review focused on the first years of Connect for Health Colorado’s operation (2013-2014), some of the OIG findings had been called out in earlier reviews and we responded to them. You have seen changes, in deed, you have seen staff added, to improve our processes around spending controls, documenting approvals and preventing conflicts of interest. We don’t agree with all of the report findings and we will exercise our chance to provide further response. You can find more details in this report to be reviewed at Monday’s board meeting.

May you have a happy and healthy 2017,


Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Connect for Health Colorado® Reports Increase in Healthcare Plan Selections for 2017 Coverage

December 19, 2016
Contact: Luke Clarke, 720-496-2545

DENVER — More than 144,000 Coloradans selected healthcare coverage for 2017 through the state health insurance Marketplace through Sunday, December 18, a rate 18 percent ahead of signups one year ago, according to new data released today by Connect for Health Colorado®.

“We have seen a definite increase in the pace of sign-ups during the first half of this Open Enrollment period,” said Connect for Health Colorado CEO Kevin Patterson. “These Coloradans have protected their health and their finances with healthcare coverage next year. I encourage anyone who does not yet have health insurance for 2017 to go to our site,, check to see if they qualify for financial assistance, review the available plans, and complete an enrollment. They can have coverage in place February 1 if they act by January 15.”

In the first month and a half of the annual Open Enrollment period, Coloradans selected 144,692 medical and/or dental insurance plans (139,509 were medical plan selections). Eighty percent of the plan selections are renewing customers and 20 percent are new to the Marketplace.

Whether you are renewing or enrolling for the first time, you must complete enrollment by January 15, to have coverage February 1. Open Enrollment runs through January 31.

Anyone who began an application for January coverage before Thursday’s deadline but did not finish the process should call 855-752-6749 for assistance before completing their enrollment.

Key dates and deadlines for individuals and families buying private coverage:

  • Open Enrollment: November 1, 2016 – January 31, 2017.
    • You cannot purchase health insurance after this period unless you have a qualifying life-change event, such as marriage, divorce, having a child, losing your employer-sponsored insurance, or moving to Colorado.
  • Last day to enroll for coverage beginning January 1, 2017, is December 15, 2016.
  • Last day to enroll for 2017 coverage (without a life change event): January 31, 2017.

About Connect for Health Colorado
Connect for Health Colorado is a public, non-profit entity established in law by the Colorado General Assembly in 2011 to create a health insurance Marketplace. It opened for business on Oct. 1, 2013, for individuals, families and small employers to compare and buy health insurance and apply for tax credits to help make their insurance more affordable. Customers can shop online; get help by phone or chat from expert Customer Service Center representatives; and find in-person assistance from certified brokers and agents, community based certified Health Coverage Guides or Certified Application Counselors. In 2016, the Marketplace enrolled more than 170,000 Coloradans in private insurance and helped more than 100,000 gain access to new tax credits that made their health coverage more affordable – all while keeping fees among the lowest in the country. For more information:

CEO Blog: Record Setting Day for Connect for Health Colorado®

We did it! We met the very important December 15 deadline with positive energy and in my opinion, we knocked it out of the park! We’ve seen some very impressive numbers with 10,000 plan selections on Wednesday. And on Thursday we processed more than 12,000 plan selections! Thank you for your tireless efforts supporting our customers.

With the volume that we are seeing, we want to reiterate that we are committed to assisting customers with January 1 coverage who began the process by midnight December 15. If customers are delayed, they should call our Customer Service Center for assistance before finalizing their enrollment. Our established process for requesting an alternative start date can be used to facilitate this.

In Recent Meetings

Several Connect for Health Colorado staff recently attended the Colorado Health Institute Hot Issues in Health Care conference in Colorado Springs. It brought together local elected policymakers, staffers and members of Colorado’s health policy community, and was a content packed two days. What you should know is that while there is some uncertainty, many of our partners feel committed to the progress and gains in coverage Colorado has experienced over the past few years. And, as a state, we believe that all Coloradans should have access to affordable health insurance and quality care. Healthy and thriving Coloradans help strengthen our local communities. It’s important to remember this as we assess any legislation changes and opportunities for improvement.

Holiday Closures

As a reminder, the administrative offices will be closed the following days in observance of the holiday:

  • Friday, December 23
  • Monday, December 26
  • Monday, January 2

Our Customer Service Center will also be closed the following days:

  • Monday, December 26
  • Monday, January 2

I will pause this weekly communication for the next two weeks and will be back with new updates starting January 6. If you’re just catching up on our weekly news, you can find prior versions below:

With this break in our routine, I encourage you to unplug, re-energize and enjoy the holidays.

Take good care,


Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

CEO Blog: Enrollments Strong As We Approach Important Dec 15 Deadline

We’re closing in on December 15, one of the most important deadlines of the year and we have a lot to be proud of. Plan selections in our first month were 23% over last year’s first month — and that was a good year.

We’re almost halfway through and every measure points to our most successful Open Enrollment ever.

That’s not to minimize the challenges we currently face in the public policy arena. There will be debates at the state and federal level on the future of exchanges and healthcare reform. As a state-based Marketplace formed to provide a “Colorado solution,” we will be keeping an eye on both levels and we take note that some of the talk in Congress now suggests turning more authority over to state governments.

This process can be expected to take time but the shape of policy changes should start to become clearer when state and federal legislative bodies begin meeting. Here are some dates you might want to be aware of:

  • Congress reconvenes Jan 3. 2017.
  • The Colorado Legislature begins work Jan. 11, 2017.
  • The president is inaugurated Jan. 20, 2017.
  • Health insurance companies in Colorado normally file their 2018 individual and small group plans and rates in May for the following year.

In the meantime, we remain committed to keeping you, our customers and our stakeholders aware of what we do know and we have made some recent updates:

  • The “Election Questions” page has been updated with communications to our Stakeholders and customers.
  • The “Election Questions” page links to a new page in the Board Policy Topics section of the website called “Election Impacts”. This page will serve as a repository for documents referencing potential impacts to the ACA and Connect for Health Colorado.
  • My email newsletters are being posted as “CEO Blogs” in the News section of our web site.

In Recent News

Health insurance companies spoke out this week through their national association, the Association of Health Plans. While not opposing repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the insurers asked for a commitment from the Trump administration and congressional leaders that the government will continue offsetting some costs for low-income people. They also want to keep in place rules that encourage people to sign up. Thursday’s New York Times included this article.

Hospital groups raised concern about repealing the Affordable Care Act, saying that hospitals stand to lose billions of dollars in a repeal. The Federation of American Hospitals on Tuesday released a report that said that the loss of coverage by undoing the ACA through a measure introduced last year would cost hospitals $165.8 billion. Read more in the Morning Consult and Modern Healthcare

Finally, I want to thank you in advance for the work ahead to help Coloradans enroll by December 15 so that they can have their financial security and health protected for all of the coming year.

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Connect for Health Colorado® Reports Increase in Healthcare Plan Selections for 2017 Coverage

December 1, 2016
Contact: Luke Clarke 720-496-2545

DENVER — More than 37,000 Coloradans selected healthcare coverage for 2017 through the state health insurance Marketplace in November, a rate 23 percent ahead of signups one year ago, according to new data released today by Connect for Health Colorado®.

“The pace of sign-ups during the first month of this Open Enrollment has been very heartening,” said Connect for Health Colorado CEO Kevin Patterson. “We know that there is a lot of discussion now about the future direction of healthcare, but what remains constant and true is the importance of protecting the health and financial future of all Coloradans. I encourage everyone who needs health insurance to check to see if they qualify for financial assistance, review the available plans, and complete an enrollment before the last-minute rush.”

In the first month of the annual Open Enrollment period, Coloradans selected 37,948 medical and dental insurance plans. That compares to 30,777 such plan selections in November 2015.

Whether you are renewing or enrolling for the first time, you must complete enrollment by December 15, to have coverage January 1, and avoid a gap in your coverage. Open Enrollment runs through January 31.

Key dates and deadlines for individuals and families buying private coverage

  • Open Enrollment: November 1, 2016 – January 31, 2017.
    • You cannot purchase health insurance after this period unless you have a qualifying life-change event, such as marriage, divorce, having a child, losing your employer-sponsored insurance, or moving to Colorado.
  • Last day to enroll for coverage beginning January 1, 2017, is December 15, 2016.
  • Last day to enroll for 2017 coverage (without a life change event): January 31, 2017.

About Connect for Health Colorado
Connect for Health Colorado is a public, non-profit entity established in law by the Colorado General Assembly in 2011 to create a health insurance Marketplace. It opened for business on Oct. 1, 2013, for individuals, families and small employers to compare and buy health insurance and apply for tax credits to help make their insurance more affordable. Customers can shop online; get help by phone or chat from expert Customer Service Center representatives; and find in-person assistance from certified brokers and agents, community based certified Health Coverage Guides or Certified Application Counselors. In 2016, the Marketplace enrolled more than 170,000 Coloradans in private insurance and helped more than 100,000 gain access to new tax credits that made their health coverage more affordable – all while keeping fees among the lowest in the country. For more information:

Connect for Health Colorado® Reports Increase in Medical Plan Selections for 2017 Coverage

November 14, 2016
Contact: Luke Clarke 720-496-2545

DENVER — Between Nov.1 and Nov. 13, more than 16,000 Coloradans selected health coverage for 2017 through the state health insurance Marketplace, according to new data released today by Connect for Health Colorado®.

“The number of initial sign-ups during the first two weeks of Open Enrollment are very encouraging,” said Connect for Health Colorado® CEO Kevin Patterson.  “There has been a lot of talk about the future of healthcare since the election but I want everyone to remember that the financial help to buy health insurance is still available for next year. I urge everybody to review their options and complete their enrollment before the last-minute rush.”

The pace of sign ups is running 30 percent higher than last year, Patterson said, with 1,300 to 1,600 plan selections submitted each weekday during the first days of the annual Open Enrollment Period. Enrollees submitted 16,305 plan selections through Sunday. The total was 12,496 for comparable days in 2015. The 2017 plan selections include 2,648 customers who are new to Connect for Health Colorado.

November 9, the day after the election, saw more than 1,400 plan selections, one of the busier days so far.

Whether you are renewing or enrolling for the first time, you must complete enrollment by December 15, to have coverage January 1, and avoid a gap in your coverage. Open Enrollment runs through January 31.

Key dates and deadlines for individuals and families buying private coverage

  • Open Enrollment: November 1, 2016 – January 31, 2017.
    • You cannot purchase health insurance after this period unless you have a qualifying life-change event, such as marriage, divorce, having a child, losing your employer-sponsored insurance, or moving to Colorado.
  • Last day to enroll for coverage beginning January 1, 2017, is December 15, 2016.
  • Last day to enroll for 2017 coverage (absent a life change event): January 31, 2017.

About Connect for Health Colorado
Connect for Health Colorado is a public, non-profit entity established in law by the Colorado General Assembly in 2011 to create a health insurance Marketplace.  It opened for business on Oct. 1, 2013, for individuals, families and small employers to compare and buy health insurance and apply for tax credits to help make their insurance more affordable. Customers can shop online; get help by phone or chat from expert Customer Service Center representatives; and find in-person assistance from certified brokers and agents, community based certified Health Coverage Guides or Certified Application Counselors. In 2016, the Marketplace enrolled more than 170,000 Coloradans in private insurance and helped more than 100,000 gain access to new tax credits that made their health coverage more affordable – all while keeping fees among the lowest in the country. For more information:

CEO Blog: What to Keep in Mind Post Election

There has been a lot of talk about the future of the healthcare in our country since the election. There are a few things we should keep in mind:

  • 168,000 Colorado residents have healthcare coverage through Connect for Health Colorado.
  • 102,000 are getting tax credits to help them afford their coverage.
  • Our state’s uninsured rate has dropped to 6.7 percent, the lowest in our state’s history and one of the lowest rates in the country.
  • The law that provides financial assistance to qualifying individuals and families is not changed and remains in effect.
  • We urge our customers to continue to shop for the best coverage for themselves and their families in 2017 and complete their enrollment by Dec. 15, 2016, to avoid a gap in coverage.
  • It is important for all Coloradans to have coverage, for their health and for their financial security.
  • Until the new administration and Congress develop a new direction, we continue with normal operations.

You [our customers, stakeholders and partners] have been with us from the beginning. We have achieved this success and navigated through the challenges to the law and uncertainty together. In these early days of Open Enrollment, we continue to see more Coloradans buying health insurance than ever before.

I want to call on your support again as we rededicate ourselves to our mission and to the new challenge of helping our customers understand any changes that might take place and what it means for them and their coverage.

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

New Tool to Help Coloradans Choose Health Insurance

Connect for Health Colorado® and Center for Improving Value in Health Care Introduce Online Resource to Help Consumers Estimate Costs for Health Insurance

DENVER — Shoppers on Colorado’s health insurance Marketplace will have a new tool that will help them find the most cost-effective coverage when they begin shopping next week for coverage in 2017.

Connect for Health Colorado® and the Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) partnered to develop the Quick Cost and Plan Finder tool that will enable consumers to see:

  • Whether they may qualify for financial assistance to lower their monthly premiums and other costs, such as copays and deductibles.
  • An estimate of annual out-of-pocket costs, based on their expected health care usage.
  • Plans that include their preferred doctors, facilities and/or medications.

“We want to help our customers get as complete a picture of their costs as possible when they shop for coverage on our Marketplace,” said Kevin Patterson, CEO of Connect for Health Colorado. “When customers better understand the health insurance they are choosing, they are better equipped to get the full value of their health plan.”

The tool equips consumers with an estimate of overall costs — including such things as co-pays, co-insurance and other “out-of-pocket” expenses — relying on data within the Colorado All Payer Claims Database (CO APCD), which is administered by CIVHC. The CO APCD is Colorado’s most comprehensive source of health care claims information. It includes data from 510 million health insurance claims from 21 health insurance companies.

“Shopping for health plans can be confusing, and this tool helps Coloradans understand how different plans may impact their out-of-pocket costs throughout the year,” states Ana English, President and CEO for CIVHC. “By combining CO APCD data with health plan data, we are providing a missing piece of the puzzle for customers making important health care decisions.”

The tool does not recommend which plan a shopper should choose but gives consumers a better comparison of the health insurance options when shopping for coverage. Consumers may request help from a certified Broker for help evaluating benefits and selecting a health insurance plan that best meets his or her individual or family needs, at no additional cost.

Development of the tool was funded by a grant from the Colorado Health Foundation.

About Connect for Health Colorado
Connect for Health Colorado is a public, non-profit entity established by the Colorado General Assembly in 2011 to create a health insurance Marketplace.  It opened for business on Oct. 1, 2013, for individuals, families and small employers to compare and buy health insurance and is the only place to apply for financial assistance in the form of tax credits to help lower the monthly cost of premiums. Customers can shop online; get help by phone or online chat from Customer Service Center representatives; and access free, in-person assistance from a statewide network of certified Brokers, community-based Health Coverage Guides or Application Counselors. For more information:

CIVHC ( is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that helps Colorado identify ways to pay for, deliver and select high value health care. Through the pioneering Colorado All Payer Claims Database, we offer the state’s most comprehensive health care cost, quality and utilization claims data. We unlock information and provide tools and insights that guide meaningful action to improve health, enhance quality and lower cost. Bringing together a broad spectrum of organizations and individuals to design and drive collective change, CIVHC is devoted to a single cause: advancing an exceptional health care system for Colorado.

Connect for Health Colorado® to Open Application Period for Organizations Interested in Assisting Coloradans Seeking Health Insurance Coverage and Financial Assistance

July 27, 2016
Contact: Luke Clarke 720-496-2545

DENVER – Connect for Health Colorado® is opening the application period for its Certified Application Counselor (CAC) Program. The program designates organizations throughout the state to provide application assistance to customers seeking financial assistance for health coverage through the state health insurance Marketplace.

The CAC Program is an unfunded initiative that engages partner organizations to support Connect for Health Colorado’s efforts to provide Coloradans access to affordable health coverage. It is an opportunity for healthcare providers and organizations who already perform application assistance for health coverage or financial programs to become Certified Application Counselor Designated Organizations. This program is implemented in compliance with the 45 CFR § 155.225.

Selected organizations will have staff and/or volunteers to perform the duties of Certified Application Counselors. Connect for Health Colorado will train and certify the Certified Application Counselors.  Applicants are required to:

  • Submit a Designated Organization application
  • Sign and submit the Certified Application Counselor Program Designated Organization Agreement with their application
  • Ensure that staff and/or volunteers who will be working as CACs complete mandatory training and become certified through Connect for Health Colorado

Deadline:  Applications can be submitted between August 1-September 15 for participation in the program Oct. 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017.

Application Documents: Can be found on the Connect for Health Colorado Certified Application Counselor Program webpage.

About Connect for Health Colorado
Connect for Health Colorado is a public, non-profit entity established by the Colorado General Assembly in 2011 to create a health insurance Marketplace.  It opened for business on Oct. 1, 2013, for individuals, families and small employers to compare and buy health insurance and is the only place to apply for financial assistance in the form of tax credits to help lower the monthly cost of premiums. Customers can shop online; get help by phone or online chat from Customer Service Center representatives; and access free, in-person assistance from a statewide network of certified Brokers, community-based Health Coverage Guides or Application Counselors. For more information:

Connect for Health Colorado® Chief Executive Honored for Contributions to Community

July 13, 2016
Contact: Luke Clarke 720-496-2545

DENVERConnect for Health Colorado® CEO Kevin Patterson was recently presented the Vikki Buckley Award during the Civil and Human Rights Dinner hosted by the African American Voice newspaper.

“I personally believe in the importance of publicly acknowledging and encouraging those leaders that are making a positive difference in our lives. By making the many benefits of the Affordable Care Act available to our community, Kevin is truly making a difference,” said James Tucker, publisher of the African American Voice in presenting the award.

Victoria “Vikki” Buckley was a Denver native who overcame challenging circumstances early in life to be elected to statewide office. She was a single mother of three who relied briefly on welfare benefits before completing her education and launching a successful political career. She was in her second term as Secretary of State —the only African American woman to hold the office — when she died of a heart attack in 1999 at age 51. Then Governor Bill Owens described Buckley as “a rising star that believed in making government work for people.”

As CEO of Connect for Health Colorado, the state’s health insurance Marketplace, Patterson leads the program that provides financial assistance for qualified buyers of private health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. There are currently more than 155,000 Coloradans enrolled in health coverage through the Marketplace.

The awards dinner was held on June 17th as part of the weekend long 2016 Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage Festival in Colorado Springs. Patterson was one of ten African Americans to be recognized during the dinner for their contributions to the greater Colorado community.

About Connect for Health Colorado
Connect for Health Colorado is a public, non-profit entity established by the Colorado General Assembly in 2011 to create a health insurance Marketplace.  It opened for business on Oct. 1, 2013, for individuals, families and small employers to compare and buy health insurance and is the only place to apply for financial assistance in the form of tax credits to help lower the monthly cost of premiums. Customers can shop online; get help by phone or online chat from Customer Service Center representatives; and access free, in-person assistance from a statewide network of certified Brokers, community-based Health Coverage Guides or Application Counselors. For more information: