Interested in how we’re doing? This data reflects the number of people who have signed up for coverage. Enrollments are not final until payment is received by the health insurance company. Numbers will adjust based on payment status to carriers and changes made by customers. For more information, contact us.

October 1 – December 9, 2013


October 1 – November 30, 2013


October 1 – November 16, 2013


Additional Connect for Health Colorado Metrics:

  • Total website unique visitors: 499,251
  • Most popular pages: Individual Search Quotes; Individual Compare Plans; Individual Eligibility
  • Most Common Questions: General information; Enrollments; financial assistance eligibility
  • Availability of Website: 99.6%
  • Web Pages Services within 5 Seconds: 99.7%
  • Total Customer Accounts Created: 71,497
  • Total Calls and Chats Serviced: 57,821
  • Average Call and Chat Wait Time: 5 minutes 23 seconds
  • Percent of Calls Answered within 20 Seconds: 44%
  • Average Call and Chat Length: 16 minutes 54 seconds

October 1 – 31, 2013


Additional Connect for Health Colorado Metrics:

  • Total website unique visitors: 364,356
  • Most popular pages: Individual Market Shopping and Quick Check for Financial Eligibility
  • Most Common Questions: General information; financial assistance eligibility; notices
  • Availability of Website: 99.4%
  • Web Pages Services within 5 Seconds: 99.6%
  • Total Customer Accounts Created: 52,542
  • Total Calls and Chats Serviced: 36,435
  • Average Call and Chat Wait Time: 4 minutes 49 seconds
  • Percent of Calls Answered within 20 Seconds: 38%
  • Average Call and Chat Length: 18 minutes 38 seconds