Tu guía para comprar y ahorrar en el mercado oficial de seguros de salud de Colorado

Es momento de contratar un seguro de salud para 2023

DENVER— Ahora es el momento de inscribirse o renovar la cobertura de tu seguro médico para los que no están cubiertos por el seguro de salud de un empleador u otro programa de seguro (como el programa Medicaid de Colorado o Medicare). Si eres un residente que necesita una cobertura de salud accesible, aquí encontrarás algunos consejos y recordatorios para ayudarte a comprar y ahorrar en un seguro de salud para este año:

  1. ¿Cómo saber si es hora de comprar?

La inscripción abierta para Connect for Health Colorado, el mercado oficial de seguros de salud, comenzó el 1 de noviembre de 2022 y finaliza el 15 de enero de 2023. El período anual de inscripción abierta es el momento para inscribirte en un plan de seguro médico, renovar tu plan actual o cambiar de plan. Los residentes deben inscribirse antes del 15 de diciembre para que la cobertura comience a partir del 1 de enero de 2023. Si dejas pasar esta fecha límite, aún podrás inscribirte para obtener cobertura hasta el 15 de enero, pero tu plan comenzará hasta el 1 de febrero de 2023.

2. Consejos para ahorrar en tu seguro médico

Recuerda usar el mercado oficial de seguros de salud, Connect for Health Colorado: es el único lugar donde los residentes pueden solicitar y recibir ayuda financiera para reducir el costo de su plan privado de seguro de salud. Gracias a la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación federal que fue aprobada en agosto, las personas que compran en mercados de seguros de salud como Connect for Health Colorado pueden calificar para recibir mayor ayuda financiera que anteriormente, incluyendo varias personas que previamente no habían sido elegibles conforme a sus ingresos. De hecho, dos de cada tres clientes actuales pueden encontrar un plan por $25 al mes o menos después de aplicar la ayuda financiera.

3. Conoce tus opciones de planes de salud y dentales

Seis compañías de seguros médicos vuelven a ofrecer planes para 2023 en el mercado oficial de seguros de salud: Anthem, Cigna, Denver Health, Friday Health Plans, Kaiser Permanente y Rocky Mountain Health Plans. De los 64 condados de Colorado, los residentes en 63 de esos condados podrán comprar entre al menos dos de las seis compañías de seguros. (El condado de Jackson es el único condado donde solo una compañía ofrece planes).

A partir de esta Inscripción Abierta, todas las compañías que venden seguros de salud en el estado deben ofrecer planes Colorado Option, y estos planes estarán disponibles en Connect for Health Colorado. Estos planes cubren todos los beneficios de salud esenciales requeridos por la Ley del Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio. También, deben proporcionar visitas de atención primaria y visitas de salud mental a $0, y tener un conjunto específico de bajos costos fijos, lo que permite comparar fácilmente.

Dos compañías de seguros médicos no ofrecerán planes para el 2023 en el mercado oficial de seguros de salud de Colorado: Bright Health y Oscar Health. Las personas inscritas en estos planes deben usar los expertos certificados de Connect for Health Colorado o la herramienta anónima, el Buscador rápido de costos y planes, para ayudarlos a buscar proveedores preferidos y elegir un nuevo plan que se ajuste a su presupuesto y necesidades médicas para 2023.

Cuando compras en el mercado oficial de seguros de salud Connect for Health Colorado, también tendrás la oportunidad de inscribirse en la cobertura de seguro de salud dental. Tres compañías ofrecen planes dentales para 2023: Anthem, Cigna y Delta Dental.

4. Consejos para elegir un plan

Connect for Health Colorado, el mercado oficial de seguros de salud, te permite navegar a través de todos los planes de seguro médico en tu localidad. Algunos planes suelen ser más baratos y otros pueden satisfacer mejor tus necesidades de salud. Para ayudarte a encontrar el plan adecuado para ti, considera más que solo la prima mensual de un plan. Responde las siguientes preguntas, ¿Con qué frecuencia espero necesitar atención? ¿Están cubiertos mis medicamentos? ¿Qué médicos e instalaciones me gustaría ver? ¿Qué servicios necesito?

¿Necesitas o deseas asistencia más personalizada para elegir un plan de seguro médico? Connect for Health Colorado ofrece asistencia de inscripción gratuita y asesoramiento de agentes de seguros certificados y asistentes de inscripción en todo el estado. Encuentra ayuda visitando https://connectforhealthco.com/es/podemos-ayudar/ o llamando al Centro de Servicio al Cliente al 855-752-6749.


Contacto con los medios

Mónica Caballeros, [email protected], 720-576-7995

Acerca de Connect for Health Colorado

Connect for Health Colorado es una entidad pública sin fines de lucro establecida por la Asamblea General de Colorado en 2011 para crear un Mercado de seguros de salud. Desde 2013, hemos estado ayudando a los individuos, las familias y los pequeños empleadores a comparar planes, solicitar ayuda financiera y comprar seguro médico. Como el mercado oficial de seguros de salud de Colorado, somos el único lugar para solicitar ayuda financiera para reducir el costo mensual de las primas. Los clientes pueden comprar en línea; obtener ayuda por teléfono o chat en línea con representantes del Centro de Servicio; y acceda a la ayuda de expertos de una red estatal de corredores certificados y asistentes localizados ​​en la comunidad. Para más información: ConnectforHealthCO.com 

Enrollment Assistance Available

We are just under two weeks into this year’s Open Enrollment period for Coloradans to get their health coverage secured for 2023. We are seeing a lot of interest in getting enrolled, but want to remind folks that if they want guidance picking a plan or have questions about enrollment, we can help!

Our network of Brokers, Assisters and Enrollment Centers are available to help customers enroll. These certified experts live all over the state and speak your language. They’ll help customers apply free of charge. You can share a list of in person and virtual enrollment events around the state. We even produced new video ads this hear highlighting enrollment help in English and Spanish.

Thank you for your help getting the word out.

Take care, 

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

It’s Time To Get Enrolled

It’s that time. Open Enrollment has begun! Our doors opened on Tuesday for Coloradans to get enrolled in health coverage for Plan Year 2023.  

Not unlike other years, we are reminding customers to review their options, as they might be able to save money, even with rates increasing statewide.

Residents who qualify for financial help can expect even more assistance to offset rising costs, resulting in modest increases ($20/month on average) to net premiums if they renew into their current plan, and even net premium decreases for many customers in the Western area of the state. Many customers will be able to save money if they enroll in a different plan, rather than renew into their existing coverage. And with the new Colorado Option Plans, there are more plans and easier comparison.

Also new this year, undocumented Coloradans can compare and enroll into health plans and qualify for financial help on Colorado Connect, our new, secure online platform through the OmniSalud program.

We count on your help to get the word out among your networks of all of this year’s offerings. Don’t forget to point them to our network of brokers, assisters and enrollment centers for help enrolling.

In the News
Media outlets across the state are covering the news about Open Enrollment and what customers will pay this year. You can read more in: Axios, the Colorado Sun, Colorado Public Radio and  KKTV in Colorado Springs

Loss of a Health Leader

I was saddened to learn of the passing of my dear friend Marguerite Salazar earlier this week. Many of you will remember her time as Colorado’s Insurance Commissioner from 2013-2017. She was an instrumental partner in our organization’s early success and remained a steadfast advocate for the health care needs of all Coloradans, especially those in rural communities. I know I speak for many when I say she will be deeply missed.

Take care, 

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Open Enrollment Starts Next Week

Time is flying and it is just about the end of October, which means our doors open next week officially for the Open Enrollment Period. In fact, the Division of Insurance released final rates this week, and I issued a statement about the outlook for our customers for next year.

Although overall rates are increasing an average of 10 percent statewide over 2022 premiums, many customers will be able to save money if they enroll in a different plan, rather than renew into their existing coverage. Residents who qualify for financial help can expect even more assistance to offset rising costs, resulting in modest increases ($20/month on average) to net premiums, and even net premium decreases for customers in the Western area of the state.

Additionally, with the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act in 2021 and the extension of financial assistance under the Inflation Reduction Act signed this August, even more Colorado residents are eligible for savings through our Marketplace.

Fixing the “Family Glitch”

This month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) adopted a new regulation that will make it easier for Marketplace customers and their families who have an offer of health insurance from their job to qualify for financial help. When the Affordable Care Act first became law, employees and their households were often unable to qualify for savings because of a gap known as “the family glitch.” I’m very pleased that the regulatory change to address this gap is going into effect and that more customers can qualify for financial help. This year, we’ll direct customers who are impacted to contact our Customer Service Center for assistance.

In the News

I spoke with Public News Service about the affordability of plans and competition in Colorado this year, as well the expert enrollment help available our Marketplace.

The Colorado Sun and Colorado Public Radio covered the news about this year’s rates.

We are excited to open our doors next week, and will continue to share more about this year’s offerings as we kick things off.

Take care,
Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Thanks For Joining Us For CoverCO

I hope many of you had the opportunity to join us for the CoverCO conference this week, which felt like the pep rally to begin the Open Enrollment season. The conference included sessions about the new Colorado Option plans, the new OmniSalud Program, Connect for Health Colorado technology updates, and new this year, a session about the Colorado Agricultural Addiction and Mental Health Program. The keynote sessions about health equity and conflict resolution struck a cord for me and reinforced our values and ethics.

I appreciate so many of you taking the time to join us for the conference and for your contributions to Open Enrollment overall.

Bright Health Leaving Colorado
You might have also seen the news that Bright Health is withdrawing from Colorado’s health insurance market starting with the 2023 plan year. I released a statement about this news. And the Colorado Sun wrote about this change.

While I know this will cause a disruption for many, I’m confident in the number and the quality of the health plans that will be available for Coloradans shopping on our Marketplace for 2023. We will be able to share more about plan offerings very soon.

Take care,
Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

CoverCO Conference

On this last day of September, we are counting down the days until our Open Enrollment Period begins. We will be able to share more about plan offerings in the coming weeks.

To help us all prepare, join us in just over a week for this year’s CoverCO conference, which will convene Oct. 11-13. This is an opportunity to reconnect, prepare for Open Enrollment, and discuss health policy changes. It will once again be hosted online.

This year’s agenda includes sessions about the new Colorado Option plans, the new OmniSalud Program, Colorado Connect, and many more sessions, so we are all prepared for this Open Enrollment Period. We will also have two keynote sessions – one about health equity and one about conflict resolution. Register here by Friday, Oct. 7.

Thank you to our planning committee and partners for making this conference informative and useful. I’ll see you online soon!

Take care,
Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

National Health Policy Conference

As the seasons change, it is a wonderful reminder that we are getting closer and closer to our Open Enrollment season. Our staff are hard at work preparing, and I look forward to sharing more about offerings on the Marketplace in the coming weeks.

Last week, a group of our staff and I traveled to Seattle to participate in the National Academy for State Health Policy conference. I enjoyed speaking to colleagues from other states and it was great to glean what is working in other states. I spoke on a panel with representatives from New York, New Jersey and Illinois, sharing what Colorado is doing to help make health coverage affordable. It was an honor to share our approach and the work we are doing to help move our mission of access, affordability and choice forward.

Take care, 

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Technical Updates to Our System Complete

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

It is getting to be that time of year when the Connect for Health Colorado staff are diving in to preparations for this coming Open Enrollment. Lots more to come on that shortly.

We recently completed a long running technology project referred to as our “legacy replacement project.”  This project replaced legacy code from the early days of our Marketplace with new, custom Connect for Health Colorado intellectual property. 

This effort spanned more than four years and provides several key benefits to us including:

  • A more flexible and scalable technology platform which allows us to react to change
  • An application that is more customer- friendly and offers more opportunities for self-service through our updated, customer-centric design
  • Consolidated data management and system integrations allowing for better data integrity and issuer communication.

While we continue to stabilize our new system, I am proud of the results we have achieved as a culmination of this multi-year effort and am excited to explore the new flexibility we will have to improve our platform.

In the News

On Tuesday, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. I made a statement  thanking our lawmakers and President Biden for passing this important bill and expressing my gratitude for the additional savings it allows our customers for the next few years. The Telluride Daily Planet shared a good story about how the Inflation Reduction Act will help customers.

Take care, 

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

Inflation Reduction Act

Earlier this week, I participated in a community event with Senators Hickenlooper and Bennett to celebrate the Inflation Reduction Act passing through the Senate.

Over the past few months, I have shared stories and data with our Senators and members of Congress about how these savings have made coverage more affordable. In many cases, they have changed lives. In our state, these enhanced subsidies lowered costs for 155,000 enrollees, reduced their average out-of-pocket costs by $900 per year and resulted in increased enrollments in rural communities across our state.

I’m grateful and extremely excited to plan for the three-year extension of additional ACA subsidies and to know we’re one important step closer to seeing this bill passed into law.

While we’re not quite done yet, I hope that the more than 200,000 Coloradans who rely on us to afford health insurance and get the health care that they need can rest a little bit easier knowing the Senate has crossed this milestone.

The bill is currently being debated in the House, where I hope for quick passage before it goes to President Biden for signature.

Take care, 

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado

New Connect for Health Colorado Board Members Named

We welcomed two new board members this week. Governor Polis recently appointed Allison Neswood and Mara Baer, both of whom have impressive backgrounds in health policy and implementation work.

Allison Neswood is a Staff Attorney with the Native American Rights Fund, where she leads enforcement of voting rights for Native language minority groups. She previously worked for the Colorado Center on Law and Policy where she led initiatives to increase health equity and access to quality health care.

Mara Baer is the Founder and President of AgoHealth, LLC. Mara has worked on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act at the federal level, as well as supporting implementation of Health First Colorado through partnerships with Regional Accountable Entities and the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.

Both Allison and Mara have a depth of knowledge and commitment to our mission, and I am delighted to have them on our board.

In the News

The Division of Insurance released preliminary information about the health insurance plans and premiums for 2023. The Denver Post and the Colorado Sun both covered the news. As a reminder, final rates come out in early to mid-October.

Take care, 

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado