Enrolling Coloradans in 2021 Health Insurance

To Our Valued Stakeholders,

We’re just about a week into this Open Enrollment Period. While election day has turned into an election week and kept the nation captivated, our staff and enrollment partners remain laser-focused at our task at hand – enrolling Coloradans in their health insurance for 2021.

If you know someone who needs help enrolling, you can direct them to our website to find all of the options for virtual enrollment assistance.

We’d also appreciate you sharing the message that plans and prices change every year, which is why we recommend customers review the options available this year. While rates remain stable for most customers, others can see savings if they chose a different plan this year.

Thanks for all that you will do to help us make this Open Enrollment a success!

Take care,

Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado